Wednesday, June 8, 2022

MEMO: AEI Student Showcase - Volunteer to Present! Cash Prize!


Date: June 3, 2022

To: Instructors

From: Carol Holmes, Instructor & Assistant to the School Director

Cc: Julie Ressler, School Director

RE: AEI Student Showcase – Looking for Presenters!

Happy Friday! This session AEI will allow students to showcase their talent. The Student Showcase gives our students the opportunity to share a topic of their interest with the school.

Please take a few minutes to talk about the upcoming AEI Student Showcase.

· Please encourage students to speak to me about their topics and sign up by Friday, June 10, 2022 (week 2).

· I am looking for at least seven students to present and all instructors will act as judges.

· The presenters can give presentations of a special skill or talent they have and would like to share, or they can give formal, academic presentations.

· The presenters should talk about something they enjoy, and that the audience would enjoy learning about.

· The Student Showcase will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2022 (week 5) from 11:00 am to 12:50 pm, in the Event room.

· Certificates will be given to participants, and cash prizes will be given to the First, Second, and Third place winners.

I will put up posters throughout the school announcing the AEI Student Showcase and sign-ups.

Thank you for your help in making the Student Showcase a successful event!

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