Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Midterm Exam Today

Today is the day of the midterm exam. You must take the exam with the camera turned on and pointed at your face at all times to ensure the validity of the testing environment. You must keep your microphone muted so all students have a quiet testing experience. You may turn your camera off during breaks and when you have completed the exam.

You will receive an email with a link to the exam. You have the entire class period to complete all questions. If everyone finishes before class time is over, we will review the exam during the remainder of class. If everyone needs the full time, we will review during our next class. You must remain in the classroom the whole time from 1:30 to 4:30, no exceptions unless discussed in advance with the instructor for a valid excuse. 

Please email your instructor if you have difficulty connecting to Zoom, receiving the exam link, or accessing the exam. Please send your instructor direct messages on Zoom if you have questions during the exam.

Week 5 is when we will have our Progress Reports and when forms will be due. Please contact the Registrar and the Dean of Students for counseling about which forms are necessary to change from TP to IEP, to request specific TP courses, to go on Vacation, or to Transfer out. Forms are due no later than Friday, July 1st.

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