Monday, July 18, 2022

Week 8, Day 1 - Review for Final

Review for Final


Our final exam:

50 questions total

25 – from Cliff’s Notes

24 – from ETS

1 – from GMAC

 The Final Exam will cover all areas of math on the syllabus: arithmetic and number properties, data analysis (statistics & probability, permutations & combinations), algebra, geometry, and the different special question types of the GRE and the GMAT (Quantitative Comparison and Data Sufficiency), as well as the special answer types of the GRE (Multiple Choice, Numeric Entry, Select All that Apply).

Review your strategies and formulas, USE your scratch paper for partial credit, and show me your flash cards for bonus points!

Strategy Review

·       Take the "easy" test first

·       Never leave questions blank - ALWAYS at least guess!

·       Be sure to use scratch paper/note boards/whiteboard

·       Memorization:

o   1) formulas

o   2) terminology

o   3) equivalent numerical values

·       Process of Elimination (PoE - educated guesses with statistical strength!)

·       Read all answer choices, also notice formats

·       Check your work carefully for:

o   1) calculation

o   2) what the question asked

o   3) no typos

·       Use visualizations: draw diagrams, draw pictures, tables, charts, etc.

·       Estimate wherever possible/necessary


      General Method:

1) Analyze the question

2) Identify the task

3) Approach Strategically

4) Check your work

General Test Prep Tips:

(some of these may not apply to online testing during pandemic conditions)

The weeks & days before:

·       Study regularly daily – at least 10 practice problems a day, especially in struggle areas!

·       Review the testing website for any possible changes to policies & procedures

·       Review terminology, use flashcards, etc.

·       Have a “study outfit” you can wear to the test center when the time comes; this is useful for getting in the right mindset and triggering your memory during testing

·       Sign up with the name on your legal ID so it is exactly identical

o   My horror story: my married name was different from my maiden name, and my old ID did not include my new marital patronymic, but I signed up with the new name. I was forbidden from taking the test and they refused to permit any refund. If you are rich, this might not be an issue for you, but most of us are not rich!

o   Be very careful about hyphens, spelling, double last names, etc.

·       Make a practice drive to the test center at the same day and time for which your test is scheduled – online testing? Familiarize yourself with the testing procedures early and often!

·       NO major life changes (new medications [unless absolutely necessary], breakups, quitting or starting anything important, etc.)

·       If you have an early test, start going to bed and getting up earlier


The night before:

·       STOP STUDYING – cramming is worse than useless, it is actually harmful!

·       Lay out what you will need to bring with you: study outfit, registration confirmation, keys, water bottle, legal ID, wallet – online testing? Consider having this stuff ready in your testing space

·       Eat well (healthy, safe, non-irritable food)

·       Drink well (plenty of water, NO alcohol nor other intoxicants including “smart” drugs)

·       Sleep well (start going to bed early a week ahead if your test is early in the morning)


The morning of:

·       NO STUDYING – a waste of time, will only stress you out more

·       Eat well (healthy, safe, non-irritable food; brain food includes whole grains, yogurt, eggs)

·       Drink well (caffeine only if you regularly have it, plenty of water, etc.)

·       Put on your study outfit and bring your necessities with you

·       Arrive at least 30 minutes early – online testing? I suggest at least 15 minutes early

·       Bring nothing in except the necessities: legal ID, water bottle, car keys, wallet, confirmation of test registration


During the test:

·       Use your breaks to get extra scratch paper/noteboards, use the restroom, drink a little water

·       When stuck on a problem try one of two methods:

o   Mark and Review / ‘easy’ test first (GRE only)

o   Stare at the ceiling and think about anything else for 30 seconds or less (both exams)

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