Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Week 7, Day 2 (Elimination Strategies, Quantitative Comparison, & Data Sufficiency)

Chapter 6 Mathematical Reasoning p. 329-351, 
Arithmetic & Statistics p. 352-356, 
Algebra p. 356-360, 
Geometry p. 360-365, 
Word Problems p. 366-367; 

Chapter 7 Quantitative Comparison p. 389-295, 
Arithmetic & Statistics p. 396-400, 
Algebra p. 400-402, 
Geometry p. 403-405; 

Chapter 8 Data Sufficiency p. 419-423, 
Arithmetic p. 424-425, 
Algebra p. 425-426, 
Geometry p. 426-428

Basic Strategies

·       Note key words

·       Pull out given information

·       Plug in numbers (aka Picking Numbers), use FROZEN

o   Fractions

o   Repeats

o   Ones

o   Zeros

o   Extremes

o   Negatives

·       Work from the answers (aka Backsolving)

·       Approximate/estimate

·       Make comparisons

·       Mark diagrams (draw your own)

·       Procedure Problems

·       Multiple-Multiple Choice (Process of Elimination, PoE, aka Educated Guesses)

See p. 392 for the “Plan of Attack”


Quantitative Comparison Strategies (GRE)

·       Cancel out equal amounts

·       Make partial comparisons

·       Keep perspective

·       FROZEN

·       Simplify

·       Mark/draw diagrams

·       Use easier numbers

See p. 448 for the “Plan of Attack”


Data Sufficiency Strategies (GMAT)

·       12TEN

o   1 alone is sufficient

o   2 alone is sufficient

o   Together they are sufficient

o   Either alone is sufficient

o   Neither is sufficient together or alone

·       Determine what information is necessary

·       Don’t solve unless you have to

·       Use a simple marking system for PoE

·       Use ONLY common knowledge

·       Mark/draw diagrams

See p. 472 for the “Plan of Attack”

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